About Me

I am a working, single Mother to an almost 6 year old boy, Louis. Having hit the landmark age of 30 this year, I am desperately aware that, I really should fall in to the categories of 'proper grown-up', 'sensible Mother' and 'generally sorted human being'. As such, I must confess that I feel like a permanent fraud as I most definitely do not fit any of those aforementioned descriptions! I spend most of my time waiting for someone to ‘out’ me for the fact that I really have no idea what I am doing as a Mother or in life generally for that matter. The rest of the time, I somehow scramble through life with my little boy as company, amazed that we have made it through 6 years together (you would probably also be amazed at this if you knew my track record with house plants… I am one of those people that can actually manage to kill a cactus!)
As I look around my, seemingly far more ‘together’ Mummy friends, I often wonder if I am the only one muddling through or if there are other Mothers in the world who are making it up as they go along?! That thought, coupled with the impending doom of months of long, dark, lonely evenings ahead of me, is my reason for starting my blog.
Having bored all of my friends with my constant over analysing of life, I thought that perhaps the World Wide Web may be a better platform for my need to question everything and share the many moments of joy (and sometimes despair) there are in having a child that would otherwise live and die with just me. Oh and not forgetting my occasional need to rant! I am sure that time will tell if this was a good idea… or if time doesn’t tell, then maybe you, if you have stumbled across this, will let me know your thoughts… xx